Your in-game name: Gotwhyfhy (used to be xarticxmaster89 God rank) What timezone are you in? Central What country do you live in? Usa What...
XArticXmaster89 Ap3x_swiftshot Xray mining evidence[MEDIA]
XarticXmaster89 I created this postnot realizing i had no evidecne
XarticXmaster89 Nice_Barel Kill Aura Evidence [MEDIA]
Your forums account name: XarticXmaster89 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): nopotsnoproblem A description of what rule they...
Your forums account name: XarticXmaster89 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): CureDiamond12 A description of what rule they...
I when I did /wild in factions It teleported me outside of the world and killed me and I lost My p4, sharp v axe, sharp v sword,my efficiency IV...
Your forums account name: xarticxmaster89 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): electrostorm A description of what rule they...
So i went to report someone and it wouldnt let me report them any help?
Hi.. Im just saying Hi. And I miss y'all!
Hey guys... Yes I know I said i was leaving but that doesn't mean I can take some time and ask my friends if they wanna skype.. If you wanna...
Hey guys thanks for coming in and reading this. But thats not the point, Heres the point. I'm leaving MineVerse.. (as you can see in the...
SOmeone unban me1!
Xarticxmaster89 spookyghostex xray, triggerbots and crits screenshots / video of the report [media] just watch and at .20 secs in the video he...
xarticxmaster89 trevorky killaura video [media]
XarticXmaster89 Unique_Ghost Kill aura video [media]
Let me say something first, the first guy who reported him clearly is a nub at reporting so thats why i took the video over and now I am reporting...
XarticXmaster89 Supercooldude200 killaura and the fail ad not having iron grips! haha Video That disarm tho! [media]
Xarticxmaster89 Joey_____1122( 5 underscores) Killaura video [media]
XarticXmaster89 LJEZ and ratsmax Cursing and inappropriate language! Screenshots ! with ratsmax and 2 with LJEZ [ATTACH] [ATTACH]