Lel your not Th3Nick56's friend. Because th3nick56 wouldent of asked you to help him get unbanned. And Nick shares his account so you where...
This is not th3nick56.
Please learn grammar
Is this player being banned or not.
Yep <3
I listen to anything from The Fray to ModeStep
Btw. Yout have missed the fact i have gotten banned about 6 times since you left.
Hey pile long time. Im glad your back
We live about 30min away goku you know this.
This is a bad deal and why would you even make a thread just handle this in game
[ATTACH] Its the video thumb nail to.
He is using a x-ray texture pack.
New offer Bajan_Fanboy109 90 skele spawner's 1.9mill a double chest of diamonds and 1k creeper egg's + a set of p15 unbreaking 3 armour A god to...
ign Bajan_fanboy109 Rank God to titan Offer 1.9mill and 1k creeper eggs (Btw this is zero my alt is Bajan_Fanboy109)
Skype: kaleb.admire1 ign: Zero_Inzanity Favorite color: Hi
Im your best friend dont forget that
add /fly for titans <3