That pic is the only reason mineverse is here
WooJo143 Zero_Inzanity Proof [media]
I agree in some ways. Some of the enchants might be a little to op I suggest we have some of the enchants removed.
All of this is needed on factions. @CypriotMerks take a look at this and consider it.
@CadettePvP_ & @MrStyles_ thanks for liking how I PVP
@Agent.Android @PandaBear__ @canucksfan44
Ign: Zero_Inzanity Offender: danifor proof: [media]
Welp guys, I guess this is it. The last you will here from me, I have decided to quit Minecraft and gaming in all. But im glad I met the people I...
We should talk.
You till are squeaky
Zero Was Here
Ign:Zero_Inzanity Offenders ign:Chewie283 Proof: [ATTACH]
I do not think people have no power, I think have no say in a convo that is not there's, Next. I did not lie, An I even said I have hacked in the...
Ign:Zero_Inzanity Offenders ign:AmericanPvPer Story behind it: I was DDoSed by 2 hackers on mv faction. AmericanPvPer got axe and I said "1v1 for...
Hi :3
Guys lets move this into a private comvo
And your older you should be setting a example. So shut up and leave this thread or show ducky some respect. Welcome @munchimouth
I like ducky more then I like you. So back off ducky he is a good guy. He deserves respect. Now show him some @baby_12_34
@Ducky is bae. So is @PandaBear__