It's OK, He payed me the money back on OP Factions
Hello Dear staff members, I am here today to hopefully get my Scammed problem out of the way. Story: I went to OP Factions and said "Trading...
Thank you SO much Fuse.
Blah Blah Blah
I don't belong a Server like this, I'm utter SHI* The reason I made it ben Macin was because i tried my Real Name and that didn't work so i...
Can't believe u
Guys, I don't know what more I can do to get you to help Support me. Plz tell me what i can do better.
PLZ HELP US!! We are being scammed. Plz ban DarkTenison_ to Stop people loosing money. I have screen shots of me paying him and he not giving it....
I said Sorry didn't i?
Distinctiqn has Jail hacks, He has all ready jailed Darkchyldeone for 9999999 minutes. I have a Screen Shot of him saying he has hacks. The hacks...
I'm getting ALL no support, I tried my best with my Forum post :(
Hello all u Mineverse Peeps, I have Updated the reasons, Plz read added reasons Above, Thanks, Superman.
Ok, Cool
Sorry, I entered in the Wrong Date Of Birth, I was Tierd when i entered it in, So I'm really 22, I just entered in the Wrong Date Of Birth, Thanks...
Welcome to Superman785's Mod Application. I hope I gave you enough reasons for you to help me on my Journey to become a Moderator. Introduction:...