So no lmao?
Cause I'll buy it right now if so. @thorraks
How much money will it cost in Prison for someone to rank me up to Titan rank? Using a pink sheep in PvP.
@T3N3BRIS Really kid? You disliked my post because I disliked your post? Grow up and stop being immature. Don't use rates to say you don't like... I disagreed with him on something that he said, and the next time I checked forums he had disliked something I said. And...
Yes they are. To get spawners, raid bases, etc.
Are Creeper Eggs disabled in the Prison game-mode? If they are why?
You can see it from the side lines. Not really any need to go into PvP. And like I said, go invisible if you want to actually go into PvP.
Support. Love this Ex-Moderator. He has a lot of potential.
Ingame Name: iBeta Experience with Towny: I've played on a smaller server and extremely enjoyed doing it. Why do you want to be a beta tester: I...
No support(Prison wise). Go invisible? Perfect solution. Also, that's what we try to do, is kill the guards. It's not that hard to catch someone...
Can you hide in pets in PvP in KitPvP?
Okay. I have seen him use it in the middle of battle. But I will try to get better evidence if possible.
Mind looking at my report