heehee thanks Chuck <3 i'm really hoping more people apply, since it would be great to connect with more minecraft streamers!
thanks Gini!! <3 <3 <3
mwah~ thanks atom (#Atomi is still alive) ANYTHING!!! i'd be down to do anything uwu, its all good stream content!
i could kiss you rn
love you so much discomfy <3 thanks for the support, my loyal bee!
BET jus for that my next stream will be minecraft
This means so much to me Cloked, you have no idea ♡ Thank you so so much for the support! Let's play together sometime 'kay~?
Thanks Scorvy <3 now we can talk using twitch emotes whenever we want monkaS
The Template In-game name: Viai ♡ Link to your Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/viae About you: My name is Via! A lot of members on Mineverse...
so excited this got implemented, but please change it to Twitch! anybody can stream on either youtube, twitch, or mixer! it is much more efficient...
h-hey there... ohmy..
support duh
:3 thanks Scorvy, i do agree that instead of Streamer it should def be Twitch, since ppl can stream on youtube! it might be confusing for some...
mega ultra huge super duper support <3 <3 <3 i love u discomfy~
owo my ign is Viai! my twitch is viae! <3
thanks ganting!! <3 ohmigosh thank you so much Cloked! i totally appreciate it~
again, i think its better to specify which platform i'm advertising mineverse on, but thanks <3