My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: blackdragon8740 Alleged Rule Breaking- Possible Kill Aura Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: thewukks Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura, Anti KB, and Fast Bow Proof: [media]
Exactly what I am trying to point out @powerben1963 but I trust @Chezby 's Opinion. I personally know its Kill Aura, but I won't argue with the...
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: firemenpower1 Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura Proof: [media] Ps: Please look @ 0:08 -...
Why did you randomly change your password before it happening? Interesting Hmm. Sorry For Posting Here Mods :p
Good Night Mineverse, Gotta Go Pass out On My Bed With My Dog :p Cya
He said, "Ever hear of bow spamming? That's what I was doing scrub! Not hacking!" xD Yeah right buddy :p
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: BC882014 Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura & Fast Bow Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: WasZilla Alleged Rule Breaking: Fast Bow Proof: [media]
Gotta love the feel of a new haircut >.>
Okay, so there is this new game on a few servers that has been extremely fun and addictive. It is called Murder. Very simple game but still tons...
@SomeGuy Yes, I realize that SomeGuy. Thanks for the affirmation. I just wanted to justify what the rules were and were not. Thanks again though.
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: konijntje007 Alleged Rule Breaking: Fast Bow Proof: [media]
Server rules for Prison: A bow or any sword besides a wooden sword in hand will result in 1-2 hours jail. Repeat offending will result in longer...
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: DeGamingMitchell Alleged Rule Breaking: Fast Bow Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: stevenc22 Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura Proof: [media]
My Ingame Name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX Offenders Ingame Name: Punisher135709 Alleged Rule Breaking: Kill Aura Proof: [media]
@rachetclanks No problem. You honestly did and I'm glad you were there to show me how its done :p @jadey64 Wow, thats amazing! 34 reports in 4...
After reviewing the video over and over about 6 times, I can see what you mean Weary. Yoshi, my apologies for accusing you of hacking when you...