lol... yeah I'm a girl. Surprise.
1. Name: MCExplore 1. Real name: Leona 2. Nickname: Leo Pocket 3. Favorite color: Blue ;) 4. Gender: Female 5. Race: American/Iranian 6. Age: 14...
Huge respect to everyone coming out. Takes some balls.
It takes a lot to come out and just tell everyone who you really are. Major respect towards you.
OMG CONGRATS!!!!!! im so happyy for you!!
Tryin' to be more active. Been a bit busy lately.
DCM miss you ); Where you been?
Awh I miss you too. I have mostly been playing CS:GO on cause Minecraft has been super boring lately. Call me on Skype anytime and we can play...
Me.....obviously.... *flicks hair* *rolls eyes*
Hey typed
My favorite song is Disconnected by 5 Seconds of Summer :) [MEDIA]
I believe that water was taken away in the first place because people were able to make hacked items in creative and somehow with water and...
Just saw this. Have fun <3
Maplestory is amazing :)
wow huge congrats. Lets play some csgo sometime.
CS:GO anyone?
Support. <3
Quad I got CSGO whats ur user?