..I have alot of builds I'd show you but its late at night where I am. I'm in a build team and we are not known. I'd attempt to become a MV...
I don't consider bandicam good, yet I use it, I have a youtube but I use bandi as a quick set up when I see hacks. So don't get it. I've been...
My username on here is Red. Ign; R3dH3d. Thanks!! <3
Ign? And soz its too late now I'm writing this from myphone, but yes!!
;) thanks guys!! I'm already feeling welcomed :) <3 I'm making graphics for people (animations / profile pictures) so if any of you want one,...
uh dont look at me m8
XD No, my user is R3dH3d. I changed it a few days ago. Red was taken, R3d was taken, RedHead was taken, Red_Head was taken... soooooooooo And...
A for effort! Your recording is much better than mine, as I only use bandicam. I only really joined the forums today, But I was a moderator on a...
XD thanks guys <3 Lol welcome to le forums tho XD
Eeeeyo I'm Red. My Minecraft skin is a boy even though I'm a girl. I look forward to seeing people on the server!!! :D