yeah it is...
thanks :>
ok i will take that into consideration
*sniff* it's okay though we got other servers
yeah a lot of people deserve ./jump
thanks i forgot to turn of structures *facepalm*
Done. you can now parkour up a level of the air craft hanger and through the trees (the iron bars will be made higher so no one can cheat)
ok, that is a good idea thanks i'll look into it :p thanks i'll add some trees
Recently i have been working on an infection map. it is called Military or Military base. It is a pretty good map for infection. I also built it...
yeah i guess it doesn't matter anymore.
this is so annoying! agree :>
i disagree ./jump is a pretty good command for facs and opfacs
this is not related to the thread. it is also immature.
Why are you reading my status????
*turns around* *see's max in backyard*
Support, just fix up some spelling mistakes like "cuss" to curse. good job anyway keep it up :>
actually, dave. :>
You guessed it....