agreed, yet still op for donors
As u have probably realized that when you're mining in a pretty crowded mine people want to sell their stuff right? So people will block the sell...
this would be op for donors, defaults will be pretty bad compared to the donors (well at least the high ranked donors) and donors will rule. cyp...
i wish i had titan >.> but it won't happen
can a mod close this thread? @PopIs_MyLife @PrincessPayne @MaxNinja10
Lately i have been working on a sky wars spawn map. :> this map has a theme called water & lava or lava & water it is split up into two halves one...
support. gl
support!, name suggestion: Empire
238 only twice okay
Good to see you back :)
:p k
yes with a hole maybe (your choice) so it will look like someone broke out.
These are good ideas. no one will be able to get out of the map because i will expand the bar height. As it said in the thread (which kinda says...
chiseled stone brick where a break out is? maybe something like that :)
52 views yet 14 reply's.....
i would add more detail. like if it was built a little while ago but vines and change the stone bricks to mossy stone. so i just think it need...
sorry about the trap doors on the tank... anyways *bump*