Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Mineversealt The offender's exact ingame name:...
No support doesn't look creative
I mean not trying to be rude or anything but I have been very inactive and its clear to say I (WAS) toxic I mean if you're criticizing me for that...
I have made mistakes and its time to walk through them if your not mature enough to do so I cant do anything about it and how am i not mature....
┏╋━━━━━━◥◣◆◢◤━━━━━━╋┓ IGN:...
They dont? I hacked alot and I NEVER once got Ip banned and the reason i stopped was because it was so unfair and stupid About the last 2 um how...
Why,What,How When we talk about pvp servers the first thing that comes to mind is pvp of course then we have to go deeper hackers. I'm sure that...
Support Reason: Im getting back into Mineverse a bit and its just almost everything is old and pvp an hackers are a big problem why i left and...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MineverseAlt The offender's exact ingame name:...
Lol i am light black are you r-word its called being both hispanic and black my dad is hispanic his dad is a little hasian Nope i did'nt check...
Lol haters everyone dont like me because no one has seen a real youtuber that is good and has been autobanned
Rlly I never talked about ur family if I did I’m truly sorry and I have changed that is stupid of me and thank you for taking your time to reply...
Im Leaving Goodbye Welp, i guess this happend sooner than expected. I just want to say i few things before i leave Mineverse. A outrageous amount...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MineverseAlt The offender's exact ingame name: Raulnil...