@Benko its fine, love to see you on the server later :)
@Benko again, i said that i recently figured out my problems with my screen recording issues and in my application i said that i will be uploading...
As As i said in my application I have recently fixed my screen recording issue i was recording hackers but getting videos too laggy to decipher...
N00BTuber's Application Your in-game name: N00BTuber What timezone are you in? Central time zone What country do you live in? The United States...
For some reason when i record with Quicktime i get a laggy video even if i have perfect fps in game?
i would contact a developer or cyp this isn't really something a mod can do anything about
Idk if the server went under new management its all up to cyp and noobcrew
@Bendaspy its prob something to do with your internet (no offense) could just be a simple crash item in your inventory as well?
@Stacker7 ...... 1
@Benko you got my hopes up when i saw the alert and then ROFLSTOMPED THEM ( <-- ya see that pun)
are you just missing your pre-fix [God] or are you missing your perms
this has to be 5 letters now, 2
Anyone buying people ranks atm?
^ my bad i meant give access to it to everyone
Or they could just add /ptime night OR /ptime day?
Thats some sweet stuff dud
Im always open for anyone to change my mind i just need something to go off of :)
No support, never seen you ingame and your very repetitive in your application like your trying to fill empty space
From a standpoint of a player, no support, but being a realist and fair i support this
Support, i love when servers reset it gives me a chance to be on the same level as everyone for once