Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your in-game name: SlowFudgeBalls The offender's exact in-game name:...
Your ingame name: SlowFudgeBalls The offender's exact ingame name: GodOFGameNo1 ; IDabbinq ; OpticPokemon ; Drunkkk A description of what rule...
SlowFudgeBalls Mackenzie3140 Hacking [MEDIA]
This post looks like a waste of time, yet here I am, giving him attention.
Your in-game name: SlowFudgeBalls The offender's exact in-game name: PainDeliver A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Claiming...
Op pvp
There is lag at times but it isn't too often.
Mute that sucker.
This should be in help.
This should be in help not discussions.
Did you change your name password or anything that affects your account in any way?
You talking about how you see the hit particles but they don't take damage? Cause this happens to me on OP PvP when the player is far away but...
Happens to me at times.
There is a ban list somewhere on the forums.
Restart PC and or router/modem.
Nope, no problems. Try resetting your router or wait it out.
Sounds like a good idea but Bananurz only the rank I think because he is friends with the owner or something.
What's wrong with1.8?
Lol make up your mind.
Plz do that's funny.