Yes. I agree with you. I don't think we have access to them on infection.
Then why haven't they removed it from the rank information? Because there is a small possibility of it coming back. It's got nothing to do with...
Dupe much? ;)
No Support. You are very immature and you are kind of inactive. Also, I have my reasons. Good Luck bro.
No Support, I dont see why it should be disabled as your island is protected.
Pet should be back soon. Same with disguise. The reason being that /pet and /d are not updated to 1.8.
Il do for 2k on kit
Nah. Ill take the Ban Hammer.
Hey. Thanks for the Follow :)
Try this: Be more active on the Mineverse Forums and In-Game. Try to get used to the Mineverse community. Add more detail to 'Why do you think you...
Ops. Might as well get the Ban Hammer out now. :)