Ok. I may do elite.
No Support your a rubbish noob Maxnoob you can't do meep. Support ;).
Oh ;). Fine. Got 2.5k on kitpvp and we got a deal.
Cool. I have already subscribed and yea, can't wait ;).
Hello Mitchell. I see you are new to the forums. Welcome to Mineverse. Here are a few tips for your mod app: Try and be more active on the forums....
I played the role as what is known as life. ;>
Like the idea. Support.
And the 15 Blocks of Diamond on prison and the 50k. Then I assure you ill get it. :t:
No Support. /jump is fine. If you think it isn't then why not do what @Daddy said and only disable it in faction claims.
Yay Well-Known ;) Gratz <3
Np bro <: Enjoy <3
Hey my bday needs changing? Change it plus :)