i play parkour a lot im on lvl VI (i suck) and i do /warp floor2 i luv that command but after i use it 2 times in a row i get kicked for spamming...
i see a lot of people shooting rapid arrows at op pvp and i say to my self hacker! but i see more and more of these bow people and im asking u...
i have an epic skygrid and ofsboys just RANDOMLY comes to it... THEN he took all the stuff in my private chest HOW IS THAT POSSIBAL IT SAYED ONLY...
OK so the reset is coming because threres new biomes and skygrid is getting reset why do u need to reset skygrid when theres no biomes to add?????
on op pvp i use my kit i have like a fire acsept 15 blaze rod im like "aw yeaaaa this is sooo awesome!" but fire does no damage please make fire...
this has been my most successful interval ( of a reset) playing mineverse it was my first year getting some p4 on facs and striking 250k and on...
ok so i was playing skygrid and a HUGE lag spike came along it typed /home and i spawn in some water ok... i did it again its fine this time now...
ok my first question is WHEN IS THE RESET for factions and skygrid also infection and i wonder: do we lose our money on facs? do we lose all our...
i would like to ask a request there is always lag and the sever is in-need of a restart at 1:00pm-3:00pm my computers on 24fps and theres still...
i log on to minecraft and go to the severs and minevesre is offline... i check my internet... its good. but i log on to mineverse and it says out...