It's great how you have a better connection to Cyp then the staff members do.
The rate abuse is real.
Might wanna color that official staff list that I made and you took credit for. It looks nicer when it's not all black.
I tried posting an explanation, but got deleted immediately. GG.
Welp. Demoted. You're welcome Cyp for the effort i've put in to this server. Hope you enjoy that prison server I made you. <3
I have never been in a call with lionbdcraft, and I never said that the server was going to be reset.
Saying "Sorry to post but..." doesn't make your post perfectly valid. There is a reason why we say don't post in certain threads. Saying sorry...
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
What happens is that when you vote for a long time, without logging on to a server, it saves them all up until you log on. Thus creating the vote...
I really don't see any hacking. Thank you for your report, it has been moved to the archive.
Sadly, this could be lag or Anti-Knockback, and since everyone is innocent until proven guilty, this is not enough evidence to convict the user in...
There is not enough evidence here to support the claim of scamming. The thread has been locked and moved to the Reports Archive.
The user in question has been tempbanned. Moved to archive.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. Sadly, admitting to hacking is not a banable offence. This thread was moved to Reports -...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.