Your ingame name: BoazGordon The offender's ingame name: Sutero A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/screenshots.
IGN: BoazGordon Number: 4123
Your ingame name: Aliendude220 The offender's ingame name: NoBoomGamin A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Well he is a...
no Support no info
6 pm
IGN xXElmodude10Xx game mode banned on Kitpvp link to my accepted ban appeal...
how long have you been on the forums IGN xXElmodude10Xx 2.Lightningfingers 3.lightningfingers was hacking on kitpvp 4.evidence/screenshots...[media]
i changed the password to the account
1. my IGN is xXElmodude10Xx 2.jacjacattack his rank is god 3.they scammed i was going to sell an account for 250 and he left the game when i sent...
i aint new i am been on this server for a year i am new on the forums
ok thx bro
1. I am 14 years old 2. xXElmodude10Xx 3. my time zone is mountain time 4. i live in B.C Canada 5. i speak English and French 6. I should become a...
or no link IGN is Aliendude220 2.M007river and Yacine677 3. M007river was tp trapping me and yacine677 is hacking 4.evidence/screenshots... [media]...
i support zayne boaze 100000000000% hope you win