iFuckedYoBitch was mute evading, he did it 2 times actually. Proof: http://imgur.com/ZwVaJOo
In the video, Wretched is clearly hacking, and was banned for it. But, later on in the video, ItzJojo messaged me that Wretched was her alt...
In the video, WretchedCred is possibly using kill aura. As you can see, her head spins around to hit the players around her. Then while she is...
In this video, I am invis, while they are 1v1ing. As you can see Ipad head spins aroud, and he always manages to kill me while I am invis. Proof:...
Well nvm this isn't really a good report. I realized that the proof wasn't so good. Please close this
Fadings tells me to drink clorox and tells me to go kill myself. http://imgur.com/UZCTaBq
This is more a question about identity if someone messages you your last name only is that bannable?
This guy breakyourarm was banned last night by NCC bc he was in the free world, and he wasn't free rank. I have proof of another player saying he...
In this video you can see Collin's head turning rapidly from hrary's head to mine.At about 1:oo-1:30 mins in. Video 1: [MEDIA] Also in the...
In this video, amit is clearly using hacks. I know it was really laggy but, let me explain. When he was in front of the pigmen he only hit those,...
In this image, ferns tells me to kill myself (kys) after I disarmed him. Proof: http://imgur.com/q7SePyA
Sphere uses derp in this video. Proof: [MEDIA]
Rj clearly tells Javid to go die in a hole Proof: http://imgur.com/OOZMrh7
So I ranked up to Titan on Prison, but the rank did not come up for me. I have proof of it saying I ranked up. I believe Cyp and Crew is the only...
http://imgur.com/lhqQbQ5 In this photo, badman is "flying" in the air. He is like levitating in the air, this was before he got kicked. I...
[MEDIA] In this video, this guy said he would pay me 250k on Prison for my kit titan on Oppvp, and then he left. Watch the whole video, or most...
So on prison, I by accidentally clicked Citizen twice... even though I was already legend. Proof of me ranking up, and proof of me being legend...
[MEDIA] He admits he is a banned player.
koolma05 says my state and city, and my full name. http://imgur.com/pVcG0lH http://imgur.com/qNuFNE0 http://imgur.com/3aJkTw3