The "Xokah= Chris Helmsworth" was a legitimate ban that you deserved. But yes I understand all jokes aside the bans can be misleading.
As I requested in my first thread about this that was "implemented" was to remove the cooldown on commands. They added a new plugin which was even...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Xokah The offender's exact ingame name: quarstrike A...
what a legend. why do you want to be banned first of all. Secondly you already have been banned on forums multiples times you just change your ip...
Neutral, Positives: Been in the community a long time. Knowledgeable about cheaters and the community. Active on forums and in-game. Negatives:...
No support, inactive on forums, only plays one gamemode which is Op PvP. Application could use some more detail. Best of luck to you
So today quarstrike put a sharpness 50 sword on the auction house. This is clearly not in the game and I'm not sure how he got it. Someone had to...
In the shop on Op PvP in the picture frame the jump boost potion was taken out for some reason. Doesn't look good and people wont know what it is...
In /warp oldspawn on kit pvp 2 and on op pvp there are blocks broken in the spawn which gives the server a poor image, Simple and quick fix and...
Hi ordi
My processor sucks and my pc lags. It’s a render glitch the video was in no way edited. I would offer to ss and reupload the raw video to YouTube...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Xokah The offender's exact ingame name: KissMyBum A...
welcome back :D
my processor sucks that why the vid is partially in slow-mo its a recording glitch. This music was requested by I_am_youtuber.