I have humor :) ...
then make the egg effects last a minute how about that its rlly complex ive never played so bye post
ive almost never played infection so undecided [IMG]
I play GTA most of the time trying to achieve active member cuz i wanna...
nah sooperport
what rank where?
if you get demoted to member again this is the last ill rate support
im not dirty minded i know this thing like every teen should and everyone knows it is bad and not to do it if they see i o yeah and DEAL WITH IT
its clearly porn so if u dont think so DEAL WITH IT [IMG][IMG]
its a meh idea support make it pricy in game money lets not ruin the fun and make it OP
Support but this is the last chance for an app next one im not supporting
OMG yes Support!!
man ur active 2 mins and u reply i dont even know :)
So im tired of always dying in GTA to something you cant fight against i will list some down below so either nerf it because its obviously WAY to...
so talking a little balenced plugins now there will be pvp and pve zones you can only get to pve if you are a doner now pve is nothing more then...
Look at the edit... done?? k
Simple loot the edit... now what do u rate it
100% fully support ;[
0 support??
thanks for all the info everyone i will improve it