Nice Sig.
Your picture was my first skin. Well first good one.
My cak3 is just a little too beefy.
How are you a well known with 308 messages??
Can't wait until thr next Brazil game. When is Argentina Playing? I've Been Missing Them.
Argentina and Brazil Or US. Argentia: Leo Messi Da Boss.
I am a elite.
How long does it take to create the mangatar?
nice avatar
my brother is on so I cant get on.
Ima help on de building mkay? mkay. #Emoji :):happy::>
Dis sounds fun :P
Lol your sig.
I like your red cape. >:)
Join us join the EmoticonArmy.
We will rule your regular profile pics!!!!
My friend made army thread and its getting more views and replies so heres the link:
hot wings