How old are you? I am 13 years of age (Birthday is 20th of December) Your in-game name: My in-game name is zacsimons, it used to be kegmister as...
Just saying i'm back and im playing MC, the reason why i was gone because i wanted to take a break but then it turned out i lost my account and...
Elsa D: Herro?
Bye Guys <3 Have Fun On Mineverse while you can -Infection p7 Gone
Yes, indeed! It is my time to go! Thank you for all the memories of mineverse! Been here since the start. Ill miss you all! Well, i can't do...
Bye !! Miss U
You were a mod for like what? 69 days?
Disagree a bump?
Bump !!L:!
Bump Eh !!:P
Grats All---
No comments? o_O Bump?!!
1st Suggestion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, my suggestion is that you know on some servers how they have the /friend command and it tells you the last...
@steeldragon why do you need to rate everyone's post in this thread Dislike??? We are just having fun-- Get a sense of humor
No dude... you can't see op spots on this map! But trust me there are heaps. We just did not show you how to get to them.
Well we do have 2 Desert maps...
Hi Its The Reking Master Here keg and as you know heaps of people want new maps in infection, so me and others have came up with a map- Here is...