Support for many reasons. 1. You gave me free wifi when I asked <3 2. I love your app 3. Amazing detail 4. You're very active 5. You're very...
I'm meeting Jennifer Lawerence :) finally!
stayin' in my play pretend, where the fun ain't got no end.
Support 110%. You're active, mature, smart, kind, and much more. Good luck! :)
I miss you too much... Come back </3
I'd say God is the best. Titan does have it's perks, but it is way too OP.
You say I'm crazy, because you think I don't know what you've done. -Sam Smith
Anna, I'll miss you so much :(. Make sure to message me on skype bby! <3 @HipsterChick
Okay, I will try my best :)
Monster don't sleep under our beds. They sleep inside our heads.
I know this is a ban appeal. But I am related. I've seen your account online, but I thought it was you. Do you know who it was hacked by? If not,...
Welcome, if you need any help, feel free to contact me :)
No support, you need more detail and I have never seen you in-game nor on the forums. Good luck :).
ur the monster under Lola's bed
I miss you Grayson :(
I'm sorry I haven't been active, I've been slammed this week with continuous homework and cross country practice, but I'll try my best to be more...
Awe thanks Flux :cat:
Thank you kitkat! :)
I haven't been active this weekend is because I was in Oregon, sorry.