My Name is: StarQueenAlexia Offenders Name: TBNRSkywalker Rule broken: This player has broken the rule of hacks. This player is using a reach...
My in-game name: StarQueenAlexia The rule this player broke: Hacking/ no knockbacks my evidence: [MEDIA] just a short recording of him...
StarQueenAlexia's Moderator Application Before you read my application, I’d like to start off by saying, "My application may not be the...
So i believe the only thing that truly makes me mad, the only thing that really makes me mad "my trigger." Is when you are having a conversation...
My In-game name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-game name: 7v3 Rule broke: Hacking fly/reach this player broke the rule while playing skywars.. He...
Hi, I and Dashforg52 have created a Blaze warp. We originally were having it as a blaze farm to collect rods.. Sell and buy rods all in the same...
Contest is over Player @Bad Wolf Has won -Contest over.
My In-game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-game Name: xxtheminecraftxx Rule they broke: Chat offenses This user as you will see in the screen...
Buying Blaze Spawners 80k each! PM me or reply below please and thank you!
Would anyone be interested if I did a 1 mill give away over at survival? If so I'll do one next week! (:
Looking for some Blaze spawners if anyone is interested in selling please let me know! Thanks!
The Winner Number is 820! So the winner is.. [IMG] JhowTheSloth [IMG] @Jhow
So having troubles deciding what pic i should even use on here... Like it's really hard to decide tbh lol.. It's not like facebook and you just...
I already have premium rank and was looking to upgrade for 500k if anyone is interested in upgrading me pm me on forums, message me in game.. or...
Hi guys selling lots of spawners in survival if anyone is interested? I can't seem to sell them off to anyone.... here is a screenshot of my...
My new mini game suggestion!...
Hiyaa guysss! If your not familiar with what is let me explain real quick! is a site where you can create your own chat...
Hi so me and my friend have a really safe and secure base we have been building and we're looking for really nice people who are trustworthy and...
Hi my name is: Alexia My IGN: StarQueenAlexia I'm really nice and really fun.. and i love to make friends! Games I currently am playing in...