I purchased a mineverse cape on here literally beginning of this year or over a year ago and I can see that was basically giving the server free...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: stefpowed Rule Broken: Offensive langauge Evidence: http://prntscr.com/aj2hdi
I want to make this short and to the point. I believe Mineverse needs more staff members. There honestly isn't enough and I think a lot of people...
HI, I wanted to start an online survival scenario game! If you are interested you may apply below in the comment section with this Registration...
Selling my house in survival for 2 mill! Comes with a small pet breeding area, blaze rod farm/shop and everything inside the house you see...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: PugLife_Cameron Rule Broken: Offensive/inappropriate language Evidence:...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Names: Kharpzorz * DrPepperThief Rule Broken: Advertising Evidence http://prntscr.com/ahsxbz...
my forum name: StarQueenAlexia offenders forum name: Valixta Rule broke: Disrespecting Link:...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: EliteArcher Rule Broken: Offensive Language Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ahh9yy
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: Ezeos Rule broke: Offensive language/disrespecting Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ahggqj
My forums account name: StarQueenAlexia The Offenders forum account name: Valixta Rule broken: Rate abuse Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ahc71x Link...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Players In-Game Name: AwesomeNumbaWan Offense committed: Serious Offensive Language Evidence: http://prnt.sc/ahaz23
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: Devonleer Rule broken: TP Killing. Evidence: Read the chat you may need to pause the...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: CeruLeanBlue Rule broke: Race discriminating/offensive language Evidence:...
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: Ian1nail rule broken: Advertising and spamming Evidence: http://prntscr.com/ah0c4e
My In-game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders name: TeddyPixel Rule broke: Offensive language and disrespect. Evidence: http://prnt.sc/agpt50...
My Ingame_name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders name: Lapis_firestar Rule broke: Inappropriate language Evidence: http://prnt.sc/agpsbi...
My In-game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders name: GrizzlyTrix Rule broke: Offensive language and disrespect Evidence: http://prnt.sc/agpdf8...
My In-Game name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders Name: Nimbune Rule broke: Offensive Language: Evidence: http://prnt.sc/agpd2y This user before was...
My In-game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-game Name: ChickenthekidRS1 Rule Broken: Spam in main lobby. Evidence of offender:...