Do you like cheese? cause I luv cheese!
If you think I am mean And kill you In Pvp Just flash the team symbol at me So I will go away. [IMG]
Hello there, Im Muss2209 I'm currently 18 years old, and I live in Australia, I Joined mineverse last year when It was built And I signed up to...
No offense
My youtube is
I Dont like cheeese I LOVE IT I DONT CARE!!!
If you live In England you would have seen me but I was origonally from England I moved to Australia, And I will be Joining the Military A.K.A...
:( What comes around goes around :( Been nice seeing you lad. Sorry you had to see defeat you know what they say shrek isnt love shrek isnt life.
You will have to buy the clear inventory Item at It will Instantly clear your inventory If this still...
hehehehehehuehe Look at your piture thats lazy enough :p Jokes he needs grammar, good spelling, No Lazyness
If you need more evidence tell me
ingame name: Muss2209 offenders ingame name: hanrile Mercy2020 a desc of what rule they broke: Bow hacking Evidence [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I know what server he got this from :P
You may have resilience working on your server but resilience the client for that is broken it used to be a populated hack client now they are...
Support ! You would be an awesome moderator :) Even though I havent seen you ingame.
But they can buy op stuff every game
"Resilience Is a hack client that is currupted the client has been broken. It no longer works.
How is it bad spelling Im telling him who my top 5 friends are on mineverse.