I went back on my older comments on my profile and I just reailised Smasher liked every single one :P:P
I also feel like she/he should be banned on all servers or more of your players will be taken.
you are a good Moderatorrrr
my ingame name: Muss2209 their ingame name: Tbrturtle What they where doing wrong: Spamming pictures: [ATTACH]
Danger Dolan is kewl too
:') finally I feel helpful again
someone will probably have some racial nicknames.
I do know this, but I am not going to waist my time doing /realname to figure out there name anymore.
Good Suggestion, but I think it would be confusing to figure out there names.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCicxLjQMLNcrG2hqWKCutWA https://www.youtube.com/user/iiWrecky https://www.youtube.com/user/videogames...
I hated the old spawn.
do not tell us users what rank you are that does nothing it only gives you a lower chance of mod
I just found out how cool your name was flare.. datz awesome start name :3
No support, Sorry, you are very rude and mean on op pvp kit pvp Ect. You like to say GG Kid you suck you have said this to my brother alot of...
Yay your mod congratz!!
Please unfollow me ._.
I take it back.
Me to please :D
Funny how I was eating a Bannanna while reading this
like youre pitcha