Interesting swift... interesting indeed xD. And titanicguy, the problem is that the hack cant really be tracked. Had it been something obvious...
That part only happened once - in the most recent game - but that might've been just some major glitch resulting from the hack + me trying to...
Does anyone know if Leafu hacks or has had a history of hacking? For the 4th Bedwars game in a row w/ him, when its me vs him with everyone else...
Its resolved lol, thanks for all your help!
I have none of those... And how did u even deduce that I had kill aura? I have never pvp'd u, only bow fights... (which ive won lmao). You're...
On my phone, ya, but I wanna have access on my desktop too.
Is there an issue with password resets for the forums? I've tried like 4 times to get it reset because I changed my internet browser and don't...
.....Hacks? Lol wtf r u saying dude. Just cause I have refused to pvp the last few days (because I can only play like 30 min a day b/c of school)...
When are these happening
Good poll guys! Congrats to all, and even if u didn't come in top 4 or whatever was necessary for "deathmatch" ur all really good anyways.
Final Results!! Congrats to all the participated!! Good night!
6 min..
Can't believe I woke up for this... Times up! My little bro coming in clutch waking me up cause he randomly found it. Lol hurlz u kept bugging...
Lol thanks darksilver. I must say, however, I have not played with Janice and I would be interested in playing with her :) . Seems like it would...
Hurlz... this is the second time on this one post that you've tried to slander me (for ur 3rd grade vocab, that means to hurt someone's rep my...
Lets just do it tmr. Those guys hijacked us while we were doing it and I honestly don't wanna stay up any later cause I got stuff to do tmr. Ill...
Aimbot? Lol are u kidding me. That's just an attempt at slander against me. You know I'm better than u (I killed u every game), so u wanna wreck...
Ok good lol, someone used evidence that was a few months old against me, I will inform the banning mod immediately. Thanks!
Can old evidence (3-4 months old) still pass as usable evidence in a report. The act would have been committed 3-4 months ago, but the person had...