No support, suggestions: Add more information Be more active on forums Add some colors and use bold (Ctrl+B) Good luck !
Your ingame name: KingSizeXL The offender's ingame name: dduwaik A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
GG, 18 minutes spamming. [IMG]
Your ingame name: KingSizeXL The offender's ingame name: Infinityapples99 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
9 for your picture 10 for your name
Thank you so much for your feedback <3
Support ;)
On why you want to become a moderator, add more personal qualities.
You're active in KitPvP and nice also, add only more information and I will support you ;)
Inactive this last week because of school and work :3
✦Fixed some grammar mistakes by help of @Bantz ✦
✦Fixed some grammar mistakes by request @Nightfire✦ I said ''some'' not all so there is no reason to disagree my post for it, but thanks for your...
Bump :4