The old ice lobby
honest truth, I have been busy with school and life
support (also bring back normal prison)
Needs more RGB
I am titan and Peasant rank
i still get on every once in a while
*looks at join date* yeah 3 years is very long
i am on here and there
6 year anniversary since I joined the forums
Its your money, you can spend it however you like
Thing is, 3rd gen ryzen doesn't overclock that well, you are lucky to get a 100 Mhz OC.
The b450 board i suggested does not require a bios update and can handle a 3900x with ease as seen here...
Nice RGB cables, and the reason I suggested you not go for the b450-f is that it is very low quality for the price tag. For b450, msi makes the...
I suggest not using the b450-f with a 3900x. I suggest going with the msi b450 tomahawk max. besides that, nice pc. (got any images of it?)
Try me next
New map maybe (hopefully)
support, i miss playing prison on mineverse
me plz :3