There are many issues with Factions that will hopefully be fixed and I have a couple of suggestions. Anyone can comment other ideas/problems they...
Does unbanning on factions work now?
Can you see if you could unban me now that it is 1.8?
Are you a mod on factions?
I'm stranded from my favorite server :(
Hai, do you know if they have fixed the unbanning on factions?
Has the unbanning on factions been fixed?
Did they fix the unbanning in factions?
Did the fix factions yet?
ScoFu said no one can unban people on factions. I'm so salty -_-
Do you have the power to unban me from factions? If so could you please do so? Lola always forgets about me when she is even online....
Please I have been waiting to be unbanned forever
You guys should make a mineverse plug dj. Just a suggestion, it is a pretty cool website.
What is you ign?
Do you get alerts on this?
I am online now