A big apology I am very sorry for my past actions like being mean to others or being very immature of myself and calling them "Nub" Or saying to...
So I was going on creative then I was still titan, Then I got a message from buycraft and I became rank god again, here is proof of the downgrade[IMG]
So I can finally go on creative, so then so I open my inventory and it crashes my game still, and when I go near a other player they claim that...
so I go on creative and I talk to my friends, this guy sends me a mc request to tp, I tp and see dispensers everywhere and my game crashed. Can...
I want to thank all the staff for doing their jobs and everything they done so far for the mineverse community, this is a long thread, and a big...
Your ingame name: xTaz_325 The offender's exact ingame name: tuba77 and _Stravez_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This is...
Here is the video
heres video. Please respond and it would like to u be my 290 bil back
i got rank titan today and a couple mins later when I lag out I come back to God. Proof:
My mod app TASBOYs moderator app --------------How old are you?--------I am 12 turning 13 in a couple of months ------------Your in-game...
TASBOY's mod app Before I make this mod app I want to say I'm so sorry for copying someguys app I was only wanting mod so bad but I understand it...
Ingame name : TASBOY Age : 13 Why u wanna mod : to help others That's all
--------------How old are you?--------I am 12 turning 13 in a couple of months ------------Your in-game name-------TASBOY -----What timezone are...
Don't like what walrus waffle said about me using minechat on mineverse...
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? I'm 13 years old Your in-game name: TASBOY What timezone are you in?...