Ringo24 that was my brother he got banned :P and emily ill try to add more
How old are you?:I am 14 years old and I turn 15 in October. Your In-game Name:Xx_DragonFTW_xX What time zone are you in?: Central Time What...
Do people not like me? D:
I have returned from 29 days of no internet has any1 missed me? If so post below and I have missed everyone. :D
Your ingame name: xX_Dragon_FTWXx The offender's ingame name: Pedropenido A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking...
Your ingame name:xX_Dragon_FTWXx The offender's ingame name: Bluhhh and Shadytreeduo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
No knockback an Kill aura
Your ingame name:xX_Dragon_FTWXx The offender's ingame name:Mine9craftx2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacking...
97% of the world would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a tower about to jump.If your scraming do a backflip like this post.
easy for you guys to say
im scurd to post real pic
@kitkat6605910 @Chloyybear4ever @VaMeSa123 @PandaBear__ @MaxNinja10 @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Rei1230 @rachetclanks
I might leave I mean I cant play my favorite game mode and the mod that banned me last night said he didn't care
I Might