Then how does he Know you have a brother and a skype?
And + Jibondcraft is just his friend who is Obviouslly stiucking Up for Saumik_Anik
4 People wont turn This around Either :/
I Tink we have seen enough :/
The zombies wernt evan out Then Dude..
You cant glide with Lag...
Idc if ur a true Player.. That Is Hacking..
How comes no one else is going like That?
Thats Not Lagging -.-
He sounds rude :eek:
Yep thats a hacker :/
Nvm found it xD
Ik I was mean then but Not any more :3
He May Of quickly broke The Cobweb Then Hit You Maybe??
Woah.. Ik How to get Them...
Just a Bit More detail But Appart from dat Good App :D
Kzhalps1 Please Dont Ad On Other people's Apps.