Hello Im Just wondering Something.... So today I logged Into Survival and I though I would play Creative. But It Would'nt Let me This is The...
That Happened to Me There Is This Stupid book going around Saying "Good Night My Child" the moment Your holding It,It crash's your Game :I
nah I cant Add Them.. You Can Move It to archive Now.. I tryed By Best.. :P
I Think I Might. Ill Try add them
I totally Disagree I Think He should get Banned. Its still Spamming. And People get annoyed and Leave. That makes Mineverse Less popular. Thx...
Thx Mtis :D
HAIIIIII MIMZIE WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM FISHLIPS :cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp::cp:!!!!!!
O Sorrry.
Okie But I dont think This needs to be reported :P Ik this is ur first report and everything but I dont think you need to Post this :P
Dude this isnt on topic. But I will tell you xD Ok first: So one day I was Like Omg Im a boy Then I said I am a Manly BOY!!!!!! So I Just...
Ok First: Rate What You Think About Me Not What Others. I Just said I can Build Spawns not that I Will. Thx ~Fish :>
Ok First: Rate What You Think About Me Not What Others. I Just said I can Build Spawns not that I Will. Thx ~Fish
No Proof,A Mod Will Come And Close this thread.
Believe What Ever You Want Its Your Imagination :/ And Gladdiator It Dosent Matter How A Person Spells You Don't judge a Book by Its Cover.
no Blueberry He Didn't Show The Pic Of me Underneath... Saying: I was Kids Dude xD
Omg Thx It Means Alot :3
And Also You Cant Say How Old I am.