I like this Clan Recruitment page. I would apply but I don't play OpPvP that much. I would rarely come on and I would disappoint the faction. Nice...
CeruBloo why did you dislike? I'm not mad i'm just wondering and I would like to know.
This looks like a good faction Application thread for people who need a faction. I'm impressed!
This faction doesn't seem proper like you spelt rocket wrong and I have never seen you on Factions ever but apart from that everything else looks...
If you do know me then I will be quite surprised :D
You won't know me. I have 2 accounts CaptainMash and Hamptonic
Thanks for your reply _ApexFusion_. And yes the main reason I applied was to be Guard on Prison
Be more active and I might support if you re-do
Thanks for the feedback even though this application hasn't worked out the way I Hoped but I like the feedback!
You might not have seen my CaptainMash account but you might know me as Hamptonic? I have two accounts
How old are you? I'm currently 14. What is your in game name? CaptainMash but most people know me by my alt account Hamptonic. What Time Zone...