Email [email protected] with proof you bought the rank. Within a couple of days the should reply with a solution. Hope this helped :D
Email [email protected] with proof you actually bought the rank. Within a couple of days the should reply with a solution. Hope this helped :D
Email [email protected] with proof that this happened. Within a couple of days they should reply with a solution. Hope this helped :D
Firstly remove your hacks. Secondly Email MV Support
Maybe emailing twice wasn't a good idea as they get loads everyday and are also trying to help others and it would be annoying for them to get...
Yes I only made my Forums account not to long ago that's why I'm new but I've tried to help people as much as I can and I reply to other users Mod...
Neutral Sorry :(
No Support. Because you need to get active on Forums. I'm saying this because these are the reasons my app didn't get accepted
No Support
No support
I got my new forums account a couple of days ago since then I have been on quite a lot since then
Thank you:D
Intro Hello everybody my name is Tyler better known by my In Game Name Hamptonic I mostly play on Prison although I do play on servers like...
This hasn't been successful but I'm not totally disappointed as this has been a good learning experience!