105. I win.
Minecraft IGN: RedClawcfusebox Current Rank: VIP Rank Above: MVP Reason I want to win: THE CONTEST IS OVER! :D
Hello everybody! As a new member on this server I would like to make a giveaway/contest thingy...I don't know Okay, so this is a Skyblock...
Also, what do you use to animate the pixels? Thanks!!
RedClawcfusebox BST Time Zone I would like to be in this competition to participate in Mineverse server activities as well as socialize with the...
This might be too late but, I would like some vampire wings or glasses if possible! :D http://minecraft.tools/en/skin.php?skin=RedClawcfusebox
Your ING: RedClawcfusebox Rank (just wondering): VIP Number 0-100: 13 Reason why you want it. Skyblock is the main server I play on, so naturally...
I can't. ;-;
I am sorry for my recent inactivity on forums. No, really, I am. Um, it is just that I am really lazy to log on to forums... uh... yeah.....
Magical... lol
Hello... It's Me...