Oh. Sorry.
@AthleticPsycho @BlackZone
I have no idea why my signature got changed. It just says it got changed and had a link that said "rules" and didn't have any Mineverse rules on...
Status Update: I want to sleep. Leave me be.
This is reasonable. For now, Neutral. I would like more reasons for me to support this moderator application. Most applications say these kinds of...
Friends in real life. xD
Got one! :D
Thank you! :D I actually have been on forums a for few months now. :)
Hey people of Mineverse! My name is Red and today I am FINALLY going to be doing an intro! :D Okay, I joined Mineverse back in 2013-2014. In...
I mean, if people want, they can join a night themed server. I think the commands would be spammed and mis-used. Edit: Yeah, I know there are no...
Neutral. There is a flaw. You say that you have a choice to respawn or quit. People who want the team to lose can easily just kill themselves and...
Support. Sometimes it takes too long on the mini games.
Neutral. Don't get me wrong, this is a good idea, but instead of a command which people can use to lag the server with, how 'bout certain maps...
Support. A lot of young children play on it.
Full Support.
Wait what. Fifth-econd?
I want to. Long story short I can't find a good one. ;-;
Yeah, like I said, not reeaallllyyy....
I got 90%. I used psychology to guess my way through it. The allergy really got me though. Your favorite fruit is mangoes yet you are allergic to...
Not really....