My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: ninroy11 Rule: Advertising and Spamming proof:[ATTACH]
My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: benj1111111 What he/she did: Using /shop in skywars lobby and shooting TnT with TnTCannon Proof: [ATTACH]
My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: SoneyUrsan Rule: Spamming/Advertising Proof:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: Crazykreepz Rule: Advertising/Spamming Proof: [ATTACH]
My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: SapporoMomo Rule: Advertising Proof:
My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: MyFren Rule: Spamming Proof:
My ing: ImAWoman Their ing: ilovelive Rule: Spamming Evidence: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: ImAWoman Opponent's in-game name: BlackLeCorncichon Rule he/she broke: Hacking (Fly Hacks) Evidence: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: ImAWoman Opponent's in-game name: Xipher_Mine Rule he/she broke: Advertising Evidence: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: ImAWoman Oppentent's in-game name: Zoocanadanda Rule he/she broke: SPAMMING Evidence: [ATTACH]
My in-game name: ImAWoman Opponent's in-game names: XxNUKESTARxX and Luchandureze Rule they broke: Spamming Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hello everyone, Levis again with another thread about Mod Applications. As the most of you already knows, is that people join the forums to make...
Hello everyone, Levis here with another thread About "Clan Recruitement", I Will be recruiting for the clan "United GlassBottle", this is an clan...
my in-game name: ImAWoman opponent's in-game name: MiX__ (cool name :o) rule he/she broke: advertising evidence:[ATTACH]
Your forums account name: ImAWoman The offender's forums account name (link to profile): TheNSG A description of what rule they broke/how they...
My in-game name: ImAWoman Opponents in-game name: Hqkz Rule he/she broke: Ban Evading Evidence: [ATTACH]
Fadei’s Moderator Application [IMG] Intro: Hello everyone, my name is Levis, well known as levispouwen, FadeFun or ImAWoman and welcome to my...
Comment if you want a tbh.