Thank you Night! :)
Thank you Dyna, Country, and Scofu! :)
Today is 2 years for me! :) Stay Glazey my friends.
Although it may seem staff are overworked, it's what they sign up for. Yes adding these extra things could somewhat help, but like other comments...
Music you can't get out of your head is like doughnuts, once you eat them you can never stop eating them >:)
Hmm... Oh! I know it, Distinctiqn is NEVER ON-LINE when I am, ARE YOU ever going to be?
No support, you need to add more detail into your application. May I suggest taking a look at accepted application just to get an idea of what and...
I believe the top vote was 28 because last year February had only 28 days, not sure why this would effect every month to only having 28 votes as...
Thank you for your support Doctor! :)
Thank you all new posters once again, every support means a lot to me :)
Those days were the best days. Glad to be your friend ScoFu, hope to one day all meet up at one time in-game like we use to do :)
Later lol
I like the way you think winter :P
What would you do for a glazed doughnut? :)
Sick, been busy with IRL stuff, will try to get on later. :)
Yes, our hero is correct. Please praise them anywhere you go. They have played a big part in everyone's everyday life. Without them no one, and I...
The point is you need evidence to report this player. Look at this thread if you do not have every single thing bulleted you can't report the...
We will let a mod decide what is going to happen. Best of luck :)
Not enjoying life? Get a little Glaze in your life. :)