You sort of do because I commented on a report and the person who made the thread liked my idea.
I was just recently banned on the mineverse forums for saying my opinion on a report. I was not involved with the report so they banned me for 1...
Ichidna I understand that you do not like griefing. But that was unclaimed area. You have to claim it. They can't do anything If it is not claimed
1. Toepepper 2. Markocatwither 3. made a trap 4.[ATTACH]
You are probably voting for the wrong mineverse. That is what happened to me when I realized I wasn't being paid money.
There is no evidence that he took the chest plate without paying. And they can not refund your chest plate.
Banned for thinking you are a leader. (Profile picture)
Banned for naming yourself a map
Banned for having a troll face picture
So we need more guards and get guards that help the users.
Only thing is the guards are not good at their jobs. They do not help the users. Now there may be guards that do help the users that I have not...
I'm talking about guards not moderators. The moderators are always willing to help users because they want to keep the server alive. And I have...
I know that but, you two are the only ones I see helping the users.
I understand that. But I thought you can own a sword, just not use it. And you have been putting people in prison for nothing. And I do own two...
For this thread there will be no banning or evidence. In prison the guards are bad at there job except for IN1NJAI and kewl. All of the other...
BS2003 should be banned. She or he advertised in the video.
Cod Warmth or coldness
Toepepper xReaperDeathx using lava to kill people in non pvp areas.
1. Toepepper 2. cyamrinreynolds 3. advertised other servers
Fishlips22521 is right. He did nothing wrong.