I KNOW LOL but oh well late welcome xD
Hello there c;
Or @Reborn Could be best premium
Welcome :D I'm same age as you I LOVE horror sooo much XD I love Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots and Drake xD We're twins :) <3
Support, Noobs don't get it when you tell them to put the ":" at the end of the command xD :)
Nice idea, Support, but try explain this idea more as it is a little confusing or may be for other peoples :)
Poke wars >;)
Support love this game on other servers :)
^^^ No Support, ~Be more active in game and on forums ~Haven't stated if you have been banned in the past ~Never seen you in game ~Add more detail...
Support I need this sm
Thanks ;)
These are hot asf xD Can I have one as a signature?
Pile ily
Anytime c:
Supporttt This would be helpfullll
Same :D except school= homework and haven't played for yonks
Support, I respawn the die then respawn and ew I'll just play creative or something else xD
Support, People doing rp's are really annoying lol
Support 1!1!1!!!1!11!
No support, ~ Does not meet the requirements ~ Needs more detail ~ What capturing evidence do you have? ~ New Member ~ Be more active forums &...