Most people already know but there are trading rooms ALREADY BUILT but HAVEN'T BEEN RELEASED there finished i don't get why we can't use them I've...
Support. But There Already Is One Being Built/ Already Built But Hard To Get Into..
No Support Its Already Easy Enough To Get Ender Pearls. People Already Have Full Inventorys full of them I Have 18...
Support 100%. So annoying when i use /kit god everyone takes my items. because the soup takes over and the goodies drop.
support or we should get rid of slash pots out of kits and what not
there already are party, but /teams would defiantly be abused no support
the only thing i like about 1.9 is the extra slot that you can switch like dual weapons but i support
i like chests but not really plots
thank you all for your feadback ill try my best to be more active
just realized that my birth dates says I'm 20 can i have some help with a mod?
im 14
Very depressing thing happened to me...... i quit mineverse....... for 5 minutes
How old are you? I Am Currently 14 years old i was born in 2001. Your in-game name: -My in game name is AwesomeG_4 and i will try to update my...
yes that would be great thanks
okay thank you i didn't know that how can i remove this since there is no point of it being up
thanks you
there should be a command like /msgmods, /msgm -that lets us msg all of the mods online at once so we can ask for help or if we have any...