Who's blood is this: Yours Where did you find it: My body. Problem solved.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: xXPvPKingsXx The offender's exact ingame name:...
Delta Force
Rant 2k18 2 Purple 0 Ben 0 Ant
My point exactly, you're all disrespect.
Ben if you aint got nothin to say besides "Cya in a week" to be disrespectful then don't say anything.
You're not leaving us that quick:p
If it's pointless then why comment?
Resistance 2 is already on the gapples. Speed is annoying for everyone but it's there, thanks for the support tho!
Suggestions on how to change that?
Thank you :)
Cheers for the help
Hello welcome to my thread, thank you for taking your time to read this. In this read I will be discussing about a new donor item, this item...
Thanks. Thanks for the support.
You're welcome.
If they don't download it then the staff /freezing the player can give them time too.