Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: xXPvPKingsXx The offender's exact ingame name: BLEWED...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: xXPvPKingsXx The offender's exact ingame name: Nibba A...
LOL SKYPE? I don’t even have Ben on Skype
Discord I didn’t ing say id rape your sisters Ben why the would you say that I did? Tryna make hard for me as it is? You’re a sicko...
Threatened to rape his sisters? Are you off your f*cking nut? @Purple can back me up that I did not ing say that.
The harassment in-game will not end as these players have tons of alts and rarely is a mod who is able to IP-Check online..
I am, as I said before tho, my post was needed to be said as I've had it with the lack of punishments here and the disrespect.
Kinsey was looking into DontCry till Denoumont temp-banned him..
I understand that, but it went way too far on MV chat as it is.
We've already left the group, what was said on this post was needed to be said tbh.
I did leave, got added back cause my friend was told to suicide and I'm not that good with Discord so Idk how to block people lmao.
I don't have 'em added, it's all in a group.
Right I will warn before I start, I may cuss and I may seem aggressive cause the stuff I got to show and say are just typical. Around 1-2 weeks...
They would back off if they didn't enjoy drama so much, jeez give them a degree in drama studies.
Swift, nobody asked you to comment, leave purple alone.
Dei don't even go there with Ben.
Ant_Pearl, leave Purple the hell alone n disappear off her profile post.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: xXPvPKingsXx The offender's exact ingame name: Bryci_...