Shout out to the Drama Alert Squad for ANOTHER successful Raid!!!! We raided the faction "KeemStar" and found out that they even had ILLEGAL and...
kenji Faction Name: condoms inappropriate name
[ATTACH] First Raid from the DramaAlert Team!!! Kenji @Ant_Pearl @CookieZ
@CypriotMerks [MEDIA] PvP in shop
kenji Mattiasko01 hacking no kb [MEDIA]
kenji BrettF1212 Hacking [MEDIA]
kenji feraxen spam ad
kenji Stranqe Hacking [MEDIA]
kenji Battman44 Hacking [MEDIA]
kenji vAmelie hacking [MEDIA]
kenji koolman5 Hacking [MEDIA]
kenji NoHacksjustMeme hacking (gold armor) [MEDIA]
kenji SantyPlays hacking (Diamond armor) [MEDIA]
kenji Philliphocheck death wishes
kenji DaddyVelox hacking [MEDIA]
kenji bluedevil74 hacking aura fast ladder [MEDIA]
kenji Faithfulness hacking hitting through walls [MEDIA]
kenji AndreasPaaske hacking START @1:00 [MEDIA]
kenji NoisyBoyHD3 glitch abuse.... player had a bow as a zombie and found out he was 2nd prestige. so i thought he got one at that level. later i...
kenji Chancer2004 hacking aura and safewalk... he walks to the edge of the blocks with out falling [MEDIA]