And okay where do I start?
Fat is my sister ask kb111 my step brother he'll tell you too
Can I replace Jakob and me be admin? Or do I have to earn it
Yes I have... Remember when you thought i hacked? But yay now tell ninjasap421 I'm teamed
I think there's kill aura from them both not auto disc
Killedlikeaboss due to your actions you will no longer be on the team or truce with the team. I'm sorry but you hack and scam... I'm sorry again...
IGN Name:BMANVT PvP Skills 1-10: 10 Have You Killed Me? [ Quadcrafters ]: yes... How long you've been on Mineverse: since September idk can't...
He said fudging not the f word...
Fill out the app and if it gets accepted then your team can be truce ish
Maybe I don't know who's on your team I'll see
You can add friends...
Hey everyone. So I'm kind of gettIng sick of my team saying that they are teamed with multiple people. I don't always like the people that they...
Thanks for the support
What do you mean